Regardless of Roland's reasoning, out of seven victims of "pay for training" who have contacted me in the last week, three have mentioned 'Joe Cox'.
One such victim (let us call them 'X' because it makes it sound exciting) has been doing a bit of snooping of their own. X (who I spoke to in the last couple of days) went to see what was at the address printed on the top of the invoice they received after paying for and experiencing 'training'. (below)
The receptionist at the Lansdowne Building told them that the London Fashion Exchange had long since vacated the premises and that she couldn't disclose any further details. (As I have not been there myself, I can not confirm this). So, according to X, The London Fashion Exchange is taking 85 quid off all their trainees, providing them with a worthless seminar, and invoicing them under a false address. Roland Tilman disputes this accusation, claiming that the "2 Lansdowne Rd." address is where the company is registered. However London Fashion Exchange Ltd seems to be registered to 5 Chigwell Rd., and Scootec Ltd (whose bank account is listed on the foot of the invoice) is registered to 145-157 St John street.
So I am confused..... or am I?
X then pointed me in the direction of The London Fashion Exchange Ltd - something I had completely missed at first as I was focusing on Scootec Ltd. (idiot). It turns out that London Fashion Exchange Ltd has a sole director - Joe Cox the 19-year-old former X-Factor finalist.
In a phone conversation with Roland Tilman (03.11.13), Tilman claimed that Scootec Ltd originally owned The London Fashion Exchange brand. He claimed that the brand was turned into a company by Joe Cox. The company used to turn the London Fashion Exchange brand into a company was "Joe Cox Ltd", which changed its name to London Fashion Exchange Ltd as recently as 6th September. Tilman claimed that Joe Cox Ltd had been operational for 18 months prior to this change of name, and that its accounts would show evidence of turnover. So here we go.
The original company (Joe Cox Ltd) was founded in 2011 when Mr Cox was 17 years old - I assume, but may be wrong - in order to promote Joe Cox as an entertainer. The company is described under the category "Artistic And Literary Creation And Interpretation" which would support this assumption. The company in its guise as London Fashion Exchange Ltd is still listed under "Artistic And Literary Creation And Interpretation".
If the London fashion Exchange is operating solely under the company "London Fashion Exchange Ltd", it seems to mean that despite being organised and conducted by Roland Tilman, the pay for training scam is in effect being carried out in the name of Joe Cox.
My assumption that Roland Tilman is the orchestrator comes from the fact that he interviewed me, he led the training, he is director of Scootec Ltd whose bank account is on the London Fashion Exchange invoice, and that he called me up to request I remove this blog.
As Roland Tilman has only recently removed the Scootec Ltd reference from the "contact us" page of (see below), and the bank details at the bottom of the invoice given to trainees are for Scootec Ltd, I am sceptical that all London Fashion Exchange activities are being carried out under London Fashion Exchange Ltd.
Joe Cox has also been listed as a director at Clear Point Solutions. Also on the board of directors at Clear Point Solutions is Tre Mckenzie - surely the "Trey" mentioned in post 1 who was conducting interviews alongside Roland Tilman on the day of my interview. In addition, another victim who I have been speaking to (let's call this one "Y"...) told me that in the office where the London Fashion Recruits are working with Roland Tilman and Everton Grossett, there were plans afoot for a new company which was going to be called "Clearpoint Solutions". Again, I can't confirm this information, but there seems enough evidence for us to assume Roland is very much acquainted with Cox...
It is now obvious Roland Tilman is well acquainted with Cox for reasons elucidated earlier in this updated version of the post. Tilman does not deny working with Cox, and it seems he sees Cox on a regular basis. Additionaly, it seems reasonable to infer that Cox is willingly taking part in what is going on.
Questions, questions, questions.....
Finally, as some light relief, here is Joe cox auditioning on X-Factor. Take it away Joe:And Finally finally, here's Joey Cox performing "Jesse James" - Joey Cox has nothing to do with Roland Tilman, but I do like bluegrass.